Penglipuran Village: A Remaining Cultural Heritage of Bali


Named in a distinctly Indonesian manner, Penglipuran Village in Bali not only embodies cultural essence but also shines like a great star in the tourism sky. The name “Penglipuran” originates from the words Pengeling Pura, meaning a temple dedicated to ancestral remembrance. According to legend, the inhabitants of Penglipuran left Kintamani (near Gunung Batur) to settle in a new area, preserving their cultural heritage.

Another theory about the origin of the name combines “Pangleng” and “Pura,” referring to four temples placed in the cardinal directions, like four points on a compass.


Located at the foot of Mount Batur, in the lush highlands of Kubu Pangli Regency, Penglipuran Village offers visitors an ancient atmosphere with a serene and sacred vibe. Penglipuran Village is part of Bangli Regency, in the eastern part of Bali, Indonesia. At an elevation of over 600 meters above sea level, visitors to Penglipuran Village can enjoy cool weather, making it an ideal summer escape from the scorching heat of southern Bali. The village’s uniqueness stems not only from its natural beauty but also from the strong preservation of its unique culture, allowing visitors to feel as if they are stepping back in time.

Upon entering this area, visitors must park their vehicles outside the village. The entry fee is 15,000 IDR (about 24,000 VND) for domestic tourists and 30,000 IDR (about 48,000 VND) for international tourists.


Penglipuran Village is not only a famous tourist destination on the global tourism map but also a symbol of cultural preservation and natural beauty in Indonesia. With its carefully maintained traditional space, Penglipuran Village is a fascinating destination for those interested in learning about the unique culture of this country.

From the architecture to the lifestyle of its residents, everything in Penglipuran Village reflects peace and traditional beauty. From the entrance, a straight path paved with small bricks leads to the temple in the distance. Houses are hidden behind walls with traditional archways and gardens line the stone-paved path. Small drainage channels in front of each house add to the tranquil beauty

At a crossroads in the village, you have two choices: visit Karang Memadu or explore the Bamboo Forest. The “Karang Memadu” area was historically used to exile men practicing polygamy. Penglipuran is known for its interesting traditional custom of honoring faithful marital relationships.

Residents of Penglipuran sell souvenirs such as bags, Balinese sarongs, hats, and unique snacks along with a traditional drink called Loloh Cemcem. This drink, made from cemcem leaves, has a natural, slightly sour, and refreshing taste, unique to Penglipuran Village.

Additionally, visitors can participate in various daily activities of the local community, such as visiting homes, watching festivals, and experiencing the arts. These activities provide rare opportunities for visitors to gain a deeper understanding of the lifestyle and culture of the local people.